John Edmondson High School

Virtus et Integritas

Telephone02 9825 9815


Referencing at JEHS

We use the APA (American Psychological Association) 7th edition referencing system. This is an 'in-text' referencing system which means that as you write the body of your essay or report, you include the details of where you got your information. You must also provide a reference list at the end of your work which gives full publication details of each information source you have used.

APA Referencing Guides

APA Referencing Handout – 2022 : Created by the JEHS teacher librarian, this quick guide will provide you with APA referencing information at a glance with examples.

APA Citation Style: University of Western Australia Library: Use this handy guide, created by UWA librarians, to guide you in creating APA style citations.  Click here for a printable PDF of all examples provided on this site.

Writing a Bibliography